Wednesday, January 27, 2010

short update!

Well I feel quite bad i haven’t updated this blog for eight days! This is for a combination of reasons. The first being general laziness and a feeling of depression. The second is my left hand still hurting like a SHIT!! and the third is that since Sunday night i have had ARKHAM HORROR the AMAZING board game that can be played alone. Yes when I write that out it sounds a little odd, however you read alone and many people play computer games alone so why not play a board game alone? I started on Sunday playing sunday night just to get a general understanding of the rules but have become utter hooked... in-fact i need to get back to it as one of my characters (i’m playing 3!) has gone and got lost in time and space, and there is a rumour going round that all our hard work closing up the gates is soon to be undone! That last bit will mean nothing to you if you never played the game, but i assure you it is vital i return to the game!

We (Vicky and I) plan on playing the thing together but i must finish my game so i can accomplish something other that ‘rest and relaxation’ before the weekend. So more to follow hopefully a big lump written tomorrow afternoon....

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