Sunday, December 20, 2009

slide show notes....

ABOVE^^^^^^ are a few pictures i have taken over the last few days which go from good times, to bad times to good times again. As you see I start with pictures of the duck Will it was amazing in many ways. It’s been great to have Will around for a bit, an unexpected guest and a true friend. I did how ever manage to piss him off by having panic attack which led to the pub and me returning quite a ruin. More of that later.
the pictures after the duck show, i suppose the depressing sights/sites along streatham high road. Then a few from the actual pub visit. Followed by other stark/bleak images, random pictures and a lovely toad in the hole i cooked...
Today we posted lots of post cards to people we don’t know and have never/will never meet, this was for political reasons but i took a few pictures of the places we visited.

Now as it is only a few days from Christmas i will maybe not post again for a bit. Actually i will because A)i have lots to tell you all (you lucky people) and B)it feels damn good to be writting all this pudding down. Better out the brain than in, if you konw what i mean.... so the next issue should be before Christmas day....

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