Wednesday, October 06, 2010


For some reason twitter is really annoying me lately, I don’t really know why, possibly the constant stream of mindless dribble about the xfactor, which I see as a sort of catalyst for many things that are wrong with this dustbin of a country we live in. Don’t get me wrong, i don’t think the country as a whole is a dustbin, more that this new government and the economy and blah-blah.... Anyway this little post that no one will ever look at is about twitter, not the Country. I just sort of get a bit depressed by the relentless bollocks that makes up the stream of tweets i see. I think it is that every now and then the low brow pop culture and the internet links (hahahh here’s a picture of a sign with the word balls in it/hahaha here’s a smug geek reference to some comic book/ look look here’s a link to a youtube clip of a puppy farting onto a guitar string... it’s playing the theme tune from ‘beadles about’ etc...) ....see what i mean.....

Anyway it’s not any ones fault really, it’s me, i’m a grumpy bugger.... and when my mood improves i’m sure i’ll find the clip of the man falling over in tesco brilliant again..... i just hate the xfactor and it’s base culture and the smug self appreciating little tweets from certain tweetlets.... see it’s me not you IT’S ME!!!!!

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