Thursday, August 05, 2010

What have we learned from this....

OKAY OKAY OKAY so i was wrong not to include every vapid detail of the film, i promise sooner or later i’ll get round to remembering the title. The point is though, what did we learn from this clip, or as the exact words of the comment say “what's this supposed to teach us?????” -lovely use of the question mark there i think. I my self am a big fan and user of the question mark, as you will know if you see my tweets on twitter....
ANYWAY!! - “what's this supposed to teach us?????” let me think.... first off i’m struck by the idea that someone would imagine a video posted in the entertainment ‘section’ of the youtube catagories would be expected to teach. I’ve never thought of entertainment as a source of knowledge, no, it’s entertainment, there to entertain not educate... That, however isn’t really the point, because i actually believe that this short clip does have something to teach us.... or me ...or you. Is it like the Zen Master repeatedly batting the pupil into a coma then tickling his gran till the little fucker wakes up... NO ... no for sure it’s not that. Is it as simple as: if you are a young boy don’t go into a strange laundry room were there are blankets that have minds of there own, and killer washing machines....
BUT NO! i think it’s some how deeper, more profound, more...erm... well let me put it this way: See my shirt? See it from where you’re sitting, yeah? see it looks like a shirt? well from where i’m sitting, actually wearing the shirt, i can see the individual threads. But you can’t. I can see the threads and i can see that if i take each thread apart i will have a whole bunch of long... thin... threads. It’s about perspective. you see shirt, i see threads. We see the washing machine chopping of boys head, boy sees the abyss... like he’s the snail crawling on a razor blade etc......erm WHAT? sorry that went a bit funny didn’t it... see what i’m trying to say is this: we all know, as adult viewers, that the head that is actually cut off from the body is a bad plastic representation of a boys head. Are we supposed to be fooled by this cheap special effect that what we are seeing really is a boys head? No, i don’t think we are, it’s just a representation...i mean i don’t think we have ever seen a young boys head actually chopped off by a washing machine but rational thought tells us it would be rather more messy that what we see on the youtube... So lets get back to the question => -“what's this supposed to teach us?????” about this: the final moments of the clip, just before it cuts to the next scene with the falla chopping madly at a brown face, we hear the sound of the head revolving at some speed within the machine... what if this sound were to be looped? sort of like a trip-hop tune from the mid nineties... possibly from one of the nightmares on wax collection. Cos it is isn’t it, a nightmare...FUCK IT it is a hideous nightmare that if we place into real life would be mind bending disturbing. Like for sodding hells sake man, you find the decapitated head of a young boy in a washing machine and it seems the boy put his head in there of his own free will! .. We don’t know about the sheet, and there don’t seem to be any blades. We assume this poor young chap was brutally killed by a lunatic, we can’t grasp the concept of the washing machine having some kind of ‘mind of its own’ ... to begin to accept the possibility that machines have a malignant life force that not only want to kill but wants to kill innocent boys with quite trendy Italian hair cuts...

I could go on... and i think i will but at the present time i think the best thing i can do is post the details of the film=the house of the lost souls and say sorry.

see, the thing is I've been thinking for a few days now about what i saw in the window of a take away shop the other day. This scene has rather over ridden my thoughts i had about the SODDING WASHING MACHINE CLIP.... but you’ll have to wait to hear about that ... you lucky flumps....

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