My Father doesn’t own a DVD player….
I live about 250 miles south of my Mother, Father, Sister and her two spoggles. My folks live in the tiny village of Ricall off the A19 (I think) between Selby and York. A lovely if somewhat (actually only in the winter) bleak part of God’s own county. Is it County or Country, anyway its Yorkshire. Yes I was born up there, is Sheffield, and I am extremely proud to be a Yorkshireman. My child will be a Londoner born. Which I think is something to be equally proud of, but, I’m afraid very,very different from being Yorkshire born and bred. Not to worry though am`sure the little blighter will turn out fine, and not at all like me who is as mad as two boxes of frogs singing about cheeseburgers to the tune of some random punk song ….WHAT??
Gone off the beaten track I have, so back to Yorkshire. Ooh pre the york to selby main road (what ever its called, Riccall had a crazy old railway bridge, I recall.. I recall Riccall ….*burp*
Anyway my folk live at the end of a littler tiny winding road with nothing beyond them but great flat fields. The romantic notion of Yorkshire is that of the Dales but a lot of its as flat as a pancake. I only say this so you are under no illusion that I was brought up in some idyllic stonewall filled james herriot style village frolicking about in water falls and shit. Nope it was all about Selby and York, Selby being back then at least, an utter shit hole, and in complete contrast York being a global tourist destination due to the shambles, the minster and the mickle gate run. Thatcher fucked Selby. She ripped its heart out. A community so reliant on one industry having that industry taken away from it is bound to be messed up for a while… Now where’s all this leading I hear you as you wonder about not finishing it and going back to that teapot you were bidding on, on Ebay. Its leading to this MY FOLKS DON’T OWN A DVD PLAYER!! Amazing! They have a TV a family of four could live in , and digital so they get all the free channels, and they do have a mac-book, but come on man that tv was built for the cinema experience. And so for my mothe’rs birthday I’ve told my dad he MUST purchase a DVD player. Now I am a bit of a film buff and, lets say have the technology to ‘lend’ them, long term many many great films however a bit of advice to them would I believe, at this point be rather helpful, so, purely for my dad, who I know is an avid reader of this dribble, is a little guide to the getting of a cheap and cheerful DVD player….
1) make sure it can play DIVX dvds.(CLICK HERE FOR MORE INFO)
2) …there isn’t a 2, that’s it!
No I’d say ARGOS was your best bet, but even a larger supermarket.
NOTE: supermarket??!?!? Fucking surely those places should be called satan’s evil hell holes. I believe that the lights in those places are set at a certain frequency to do something to the brain. The flicker frequency in lights is known to cause fits and headaches so why not a mild feeling of ‘yes I do need two of everything I came here to only buy one of’
people become zombies in those ‘temples to consumerisum’ wandering around like that film day of the dead, which is quick apt really, being that that film is a wry cynical take on the notion of the American shapping-mal/shopping-mall…. WHAT EVER!
Anyway back to DVD players. I EMPLORE YOU FATHER !!!! you need, want, and once own will, dearly love (especially with that whopper of a TV!) this little slab of technical wizardry.
NOW remember go get a DVD player with DIVX today!!
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