Time: 03:44 a.m:
Monday morning this time I awoke with a fright. The last two days have been sleeps all though the night but tonight seems to have taken a step back. Me and Vicky’s father were being chased by children with rusting huge metal teeth through hideous shit filled medieval streets. I woke up and looked at the clock at 03:10ish and laid there till just now but I get fidgety and the itchy patches on my back and legs seem so itchy-scratchy at night, and my love Vicky needs her sleeps cos of the extra energy you need to keeps a little tummy peanut going….
So what’s been happening I here you scream repeatededly as you hammer down my door with masked faces and weapons of brutal torture…. Here’s an up date:
Christmas day:
sailed through that like a magical dream We travelled to a near by village to spend the day with seven of Vicky’s relatives plus us five, you do the math, but it was a fair old gathering…. Low alcohol shandys and to be honest a bunch of utter lovelies eased the Burdon emencly. Got some ace gifts, the one I’ll mention was a secret santa one and I do not know who bought it for me but they seem to have read my mind! YES!!! The hugest jar of gourmet jelly beans I have ever seen!!....I will not mention many other details other than to say I only felt any kind of rising panic once and that past. We got home to Vicky’s in time for eastenders, although to be frank I seemed to be having a lot of trouble watching the TV.
That night I really did sleep the sleep of a log! No evil voices dreams visions etc. However I seem to be forming the habit of getting up at around 6-6:30 a.m. I get up write, draw and play funny computer games….
Unless I really really rack my brain(and as its 4a.m and I’m
On 10m.g’s of olanzapine )I can’t remember much of boxing day. I think we chilled out a lot and bathed…. OOOOH yes Vicky,her dad and I went out on a lovely walk in the rather bleak winter sunlight well over an hour.The totally bummer of this was that I managed to take a memory card full of pictures of said country side them wipe the lot by fiddling with the feckin camera…. Oh well, nobody died….
Also the evening meal was marred somewhat by me having some sort of paranoid delusion and having to drag poor Vicky to the pub so I could A)get out of the house for air (this is a coping technique that work wonders to be honest. And B) purchase tobacco which I seem to be getting though far too much of of late. I must say I had a big cry and ate up 2mg,s of clorazipams to send me up the wooden stairs….
Slept very well, not visions,no nightmares, no voices.
Got up early said our goodbyes and left londidium…. All in all Christmas was totally bloody perfect. A million other shiny warm events occurred but filling you in on them all seems a little over ripe at present….
Must say it was/is utterly brilliant to be home. Back with kitten and all the things I need to do which include in no order really:
1. repot cactus I grew from seed
2. build n-gauge model railway(more on that later)
3. sort this web site out!!!
4. pray to the postal gods that my parcel of musical MIDI hardware treuns up
5. exercise
6. go to homebase for wood for number 2 and number 7
7. learn how to play the cthulhlu board game Vicky and I bought each other for Christmas
9. sort out all drawings into order,scan into computer etc….
10. eat jelly beans!
Regarding No2: towardsa the end of my studies I had the mad idea of a dream sequence for the film I was making for my final piece of work. The dreram sequence never made it into the film, mainly due to me having a severe manic episode and ignoring it. This isn’t about that bit though, this is about the model railway…..The up shot of this thing was that I came out the other end the pround owner of about 15 meters of n-gauge track and 3 points. Easily enough for a fairly mad little model train set. For those of younot clued up on your model rail gauge sizes, n is the smallest (apart from z which is too small to be of any real logical use) so an nice little lay out ca fit ona coffee table….
Now the other thing is that my late step grand father gave me the most beautiful gauge steam train model when I was young (10-11ish) and this lttle corker has never really run properly. Its time ha s now come.
Lastly the other great thing about being home is the unconditional love of our liitle cat, she really is an utter winner!!!
Anyway that all brings me up to date. When we got home yesterday I was sdo frazzled cfrom it all I slept a good hour away in the bedroom and last nigh was in bed by 12:30. so I’ve had ENOUGH BLOODY SLEEP!!!!!! Okay…..?
Finally its utterly freezing (colder than that ice room Jack torence spends the night in!!)so the trip to Homebasewill include the purchase of a little electric heater … or ill end up frozen to this bloody settee!!! ……back soon…
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