Wednesday, October 06, 2010


For some reason twitter is really annoying me lately, I don’t really know why, possibly the constant stream of mindless dribble about the xfactor, which I see as a sort of catalyst for many things that are wrong with this dustbin of a country we live in. Don’t get me wrong, i don’t think the country as a whole is a dustbin, more that this new government and the economy and blah-blah.... Anyway this little post that no one will ever look at is about twitter, not the Country. I just sort of get a bit depressed by the relentless bollocks that makes up the stream of tweets i see. I think it is that every now and then the low brow pop culture and the internet links (hahahh here’s a picture of a sign with the word balls in it/hahaha here’s a smug geek reference to some comic book/ look look here’s a link to a youtube clip of a puppy farting onto a guitar string... it’s playing the theme tune from ‘beadles about’ etc...) ....see what i mean.....

Anyway it’s not any ones fault really, it’s me, i’m a grumpy bugger.... and when my mood improves i’m sure i’ll find the clip of the man falling over in tesco brilliant again..... i just hate the xfactor and it’s base culture and the smug self appreciating little tweets from certain tweetlets.... see it’s me not you IT’S ME!!!!!

Monday, October 04, 2010

i must try harder!

We had an old freind, well when i say old i don’t mean she is old, just that I have known her for a long time, (in fact vicky has known her for most her life) and she happened to ask me if i still wrote this blog. I had to say, of course, that it had somewhat fallen by the way side, not though that it was ever exactly regular.... Any way it’s funny because before i saw her i had been thinking of the little phrase about it actually being just as hard to form a habit as it is to break one... see that’s not really a phrase as such ... but anyway you get the idea. The thing is i have fuck all to actually write about. I started some bollocks the other night about crappy remakes of horror films but it didn’t get very far :::>

this isn’t really about horror film remakes, it’s more about a narrow band of films... no hold on i’m wrong, it is about horror film remakes. Why are the cars always pristine vintage? what happened to making the people, who no doubt will end up the victims of the horror that is bound to overtake them in the hour and a half long colour heightened semi perfume advert style shot nonsense. wheres the dirt? why is it all so clean and neat. The great thing about children of the corn, the original is that we care for the couple, we see them being in love with each other. these in the new one are bitter from the off set... whats the point? Also the kids arn’t scary either....

And Also i have write 3 quarters of a really crap short story which at some point i may plop up onto the internet for the 6 people who ever read this to have a look at...