Well seeing as how my strange badly designed website has a link to this blog i thought i better get it updated! Everything links to everything else on the internet and i find my self going round and round. I was keeping a blog HERE but i don’t feel much for it any more. Why change? Well why the hell not..
Anyway as this is a blog i suppose i should actually have something to write about.. however i quite busy (and thats a fucking joke) doing the things i should be blogging about to actually blog about them!! However I will soon explain some things. Music Figure painting and strange little film creation is what i’m doing at the moment. Is it sad? NO!! I’m am happy so thats that sorted. I will possibly start to write some form of story soon as i do enjoy writing and have been doing a bit of it lately due to THIS.
RIGHT! enough twiddling on twoddle i’m gonna actually get on with it for a bit!! the next post may well have a link to the site i will create for the figure painting service i want to get off the ground!!